안녕하세요. Picturediary 입니다.
길고 긴 파이 해커톤이 드디오 오늘 결선앱 발표를 끝으로 종료가 되었습니다.
어떤 앱들이 최종 승리자가 되었는지 한번 알아보도록 하겠습니다.
Pi Network
Pi is a new digital currency being developed by a group of Stanford PhDs. For a limited time, you can join the beta to earn Pi and help grow the network.
아래는 승리 앱 및 아쉽게 순위권에 들지 못한 앱들 입니다.
- Pi Workforce Pool (#1 business app)
Marketplace to hire skilled Pioneers or get hired for work - PiCare (#1 ecosystem app)
Bug reporting platform for Pi apps and ecosystem apps - Pi Chain Mall (#2 business app)
E-commerce marketplace for buyers and sellers of various goods and services - World of Pi Championships (#2 ecosystem app)
Social match-three puzzle game to compete for prizes — non-profit for the developer. - Watugot (#3 business app)
Marketplace for local businesses to publish their coupons and discounts
Honorable Mentions:
- Pi Game Platform (business app)
Platform for developers to post and monetize their games - Pi Barter Mall (business app)
E-commerce Marketplace for buyers and sellers of various physical and virtual goods - PitoGo Travelers Handy Platform (business app)
Travel platform to book arrangements including hotels, flights, and cars. - Pi Webinars (business model app)
Video platform to sell and buy exclusive content - Pi Games from Latin America (ecosystem app)
Numerous games including chess against an AI chess bot. All code is open-source.
승리앱들은 아래의 보상을 받게 됩니다.!
The winners under each category (business and ecosystem) will receive the following awards:
- 1st prize = US$20,000 + 20,000 Pi
- 2nd prize = US$15,000 + 15,000 Pi
- 3rd prize = US$10,000 + 10,000 Pi
- Honorary mention = US$1,000 each + 1,000 Pi
상금을 획득한 팀에게 축하의 메세지를 보냅니다.
해커톤은 종료되었지만 파이코인의 여정은 이제 시작입니다.
메인넷 출시, 노드 발표, 해커톤의 앱들을 파이와 통합을 통한 생태계 구축!!
앞으로가 더 기대됩니다.
우리에게 어떤 선물 보따리를 가져다 줄지 기대해봅니다.
지니야 지니야 나의 소원은..!!!
발표내용을 잘 살펴보면 'Pioneers, the first Pi Hackathon has come to a conclusion.' 문구로 시작합니다.
first 라는 건 second 도 있나는 거겠죠?
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